Intellectual Property Policy for Sellers

This page presents you with essential particulars of intellectual property (IP) rights and some fundamental IP disputes that may arise while selling on Bonzicart.

Anti-Counterfeiting Policy! The products listed on BonziCart for sale should be authentic, and the sale of counterfeit products is strictly prohibited. Listing of unauthentic products may result in the termination of selling privileges and withheld of payments with inventory disposal.
Products that are pirate copies of other products or content are strictly prohibited. Products that are illegally replicated, reproduced, or manufactured by infringing another party’s intellectual property rights are strictly banned. In case you supply unauthentic products, we may immediately suspend or terminate your selling account and dispose of any unauthentic products in our fulfillment centers at your expense. In addition to these, we may withhold payments if we determine that an account has been used to sell inauthentic goods, commit fraud, or engage in other illegal activity.
BonziCart works closely with manufacturers, distributors, rights holders, content owners, and sellers. It is our priority to protect the IP rights of the authorities with whom we are working. As a result, we conduct timely reviews of the products listed on our website, and we keep the right to remove the products violating IP of the right holders.
We also work with legal advisors and attorneys, and we take strict actions against those violating IP laws and policies that harm our customers and right holders. Upon violation of IP infringements, violators should face criminal conspiracy and civil penalties. Upon breach of IP policies, parties facing conspiracies may lose any amounts received from the sale of unauthentic products on BonziCart portal.
Our strict policies encourage owners’ rights, and we promptly investigate the IP issues to protect customers, sellers, and rights holders.

Report Intellectual Property Right Infringement

If you are the owner of the rights with a registered trademark, then you are eligible to enroll your brand on our site. Registry with us provides you access to a powerful search tool that will give authoritative attributes to your brand name.

No enforcement on these

Barcodes, EANs, and UPCs are used to store product information, such as pricing and inventory levels. These codes do not carry intellectual property protection.

When you create a detail page, it remains in our catalog. If you add a copyrighted image to such directory, you grant us and our affiliates to use the image non-exclusively worldwide as a part of marketing.

We respect the manufacturer’s rights to enter exclusive distribution agreements for its products. But we don’t enforce such products into IPR as the enforcement of these agreements is a matter between the manufacturer and the retailers.

Intellectual property for Rights Owner

We ensure that your goods do not violate or infringe an owner's IP. Owners can report to us if any content or product is infringing IP. If you have specific questions on infringement of your IP. We advise you to consult a lawyer.

Reporting Infringement! To report the infringement, you must be the owner of the right or an authentic agent with the approvals from the Owner.

Owners who are not part of our site can send us an email if they find their content/product found infringed. You can submit a trademark, copyright, patent, or other IP claims with details of the party infringing your IP rights. 

Best Practices! We recommend you to send only one type of IP violation per notice. We process the specific complaint type you mention in the infringement report.

Main types of IP

  • Trademark - A trademark could be a form of property consisting of a recognizable sign, design, or expression that identifies products or services of a selected supply from those of others though emblems accustomed establish services square measure sometimes referred to as service marks. The trademark owner is often a private, business organization, or any legal entity. A trademark is also used on a package, a label, a voucher, or on the merchandise itself.
  • Copyright - Copyright is an exclusive right provided for the creator of creative works such as literary, artistic, or musical form. Copyrights are provided to protect original expression in creative work and Copyrights are usually given for a limited period. Copyright protection is country-specific. Owners can register their material in specific countries' copyright office. To sell a product on BonziCart portal, one has to use your copyrighted images in the detail page. However, taking pictures from other sources and using them in description of your products is not allowed. 

Selling Policies and Seller Code of Conduct

Sellers are expected to abide by our policies which are listed below. Failure to comply with policies might result in termination of your listing on our site.

  • Seller code of conduct - Our marketplace provides you a platform to reach millions of customers; hence we believe in trustworthy buyer and seller experience. We expect our vendors to abide by our policies and guidelines. By violating the privacy policies and code of conduct, your product listing may get terminated from the website or your account may face suspension.
  • Code of conduct for sellers - Sellers should follow all applicable laws and abide by our policies strictly.
1. Maintain current account information.
2. Never misrepresent yourself.
3. Sellers should act in a manner that ensures a trustworthy experience for our customers.
4. Listing of the products that cause harm to the customers is strictly prohibited.
5. Engaging in misleading, inappropriate, and misleading behavior is considered code of conduct breach. This applies to all your activities on the portal including your account information, listings, content, images, videos, and communication between customers and BonziCart.
6. Performing actions that lead to manipulation of customer reviews, including showcasing false or misleading unauthentic content is considered a breach of code of conduct.
7. Performing actions that intentionally damage another seller listing or their brand and their rating are against the code of conduct.

Keeping Your Account Information Secure

Keeping the Sellers account secure is our preference because it is vital for your business. We recommend you to follow these to keep your account secured.

Best Security practices 

  • Always set up two-step verification on all your accounts with us. Change your password timely; this significantly reduces the risk of unauthorized access if the password is compromised.
  • Keep your password healthy so that nobody can guess it.
  • Use different passwords for different accounts.
  • Make sure that passwords are long enough with letters, numbers, and special characters.
  • Do not use personal data, such as phone numbers as a password.
  • Clear your system cache often.

Prohibited seller activities and operation

Prohibited seller activities and operations are prepared to maintain safe buying and safe selling for buyers and sellers, respectively. Violation of this policy considered a code of conduct breach. Upon breaching the prohibited seller activity result in cancellation of the listings and suspension of seller account

  1. Attempts to divert transactions or buyers - Any attempt to divert the transactions or buyers to other sites termed as a violation of our policies. This may include any sort of marketing activity for the competitors. If found guilty such vendors will be terminated from contract immediately.
  2. Unauthorized and improper business names - Your name as registered with BonziCart should be unique. It should not contain misleading information that confuses the buyer. The business name should not include IPR’s such as trademark. The business should not infringe IPR’s of the rights owner, and it should not have email suffix such as .com, .net, .biz and so on...
  3. Inappropriate email communications - Sending unnecessary unsolicited emails for BonziCart customers, including marketing and promotional communication is prohibited. However Seller can send emails regarding order fulfillment and related customer service.
  4. Appropriate treatment of customer phone numbers - We provide seller’s phone numbers to our customers to enquire about any flaws in the carrier label requirements. Vendors must abide by the rule of using phone numbers only to resolve the issues related to the carrier.
  5. Appropriate treatment of customer phone numbers - Never call the customer unnecessarily and never share the customer numbers with an external party. Do not use customers' phone numbers for the marketing activities of your products.
  6. Email addresses - Customers might send their queries through email, and email data should not be misused in any circumstances.
  7. Multiple seller accounts - A seller cannot have multiple seller accounts. In case you need multiple seller accounts, you can always write to us with legitimate documents of your business. We evaluate your request and do the needful accordingly.
  8. Misuse of the selling service - If you use the seller service excessively to negatively impact the working of the site, you will be restricted from accessing products or other functions. However, functions are reinstated after you stop misusing the website. If you upload redundant data unnecessarily or found to be using the service unreasonably, Your account may face temporary suspension.  
  9. Misuse of ratings, feedback, or reviews - Any manipulation of rating, feedback, and reviews is not allowed. Rating, feedbacks, and reviews allow buyers to evaluate the overall performance of a seller, which develops their reputation within the market place. Any abusive comment on reviews or misusing personal data in any sense is not allowed. Giving reviews and feedbacks from vendors' accounts or any act that promotes biased reviews is strictly prohibited. Misuse if reviews and ranking, including using them for diverting the customers, are not permitted. You cannot review your products or competitors’ products on our site. 
  10. Misuse of Search and Browse - Artificially simulating web-traffic with the help of bits is considered a code of conduct breach. Providing misleading or irrelevant catalog information is strictly not allowed.

Some Additional Recommendation for the Sellers

Selling price cannot be increased post buyer transactions. Together with these, vendors cannot set high shipping costs. The vendor should always comply with our fair pricing policy.
The product listed on a product detail page should accurately describe all the attributes of the product such as manufacturer, edition, version, compatibility, expiry date if applicable, warranty, and other details.
Creating a duplicate product detail page for an existing product is not allowed.
Separate product listing for the product with similar features is not allowed.

Additional guidelines for service providers

The following guidelines apply to service providers ->

The service provider must conduct the service as mentioned in their scope of the work in the service detail page. The service should be provided on the date of purchase, and the customer should be intimidated if the accomplishment of the service delayed.

The service provider must not request additional products, parts, or service orders before or during the service call.

If customer requests for the service or product parts outside the scope of your facilities. Then, the service provider can fulfill the request and charge the customer.

Your Service privileges get canceled if you send non-approved technicians for in-house services.

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